(385) 386-3554
It is with great pleasure that we announce on March 7th, 2022, the Eagle Mountain Chamber of Commerce named Melissa Clark as Director of the Eagle Mountain Chamber of Commerce, and Jenny Humes as Director of Special Events.
Melissa’s duties will include being a primary resource to local businesses. She has a passion for education and training and will focus on providing workshops with local and regional experts, crafted specifically to meet the needs and wants of our business community. She will work closely with the Chamber Ambassadors Committee to promote growth and support for Chamber members. In addition, she will also provide information and service for the Chamber ladder sign advertising program. She will maintain office hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm and other times by appointment. She can be reached by email at melissa@eaglemountainchamber.com and by phone at 385-386-3554.
Jenny’s duties will include planning and executing special events and ribbon cuttings hosted by the Chamber. She will be the primary contact and resource for ShopFest this year, as Eagle Mountain Chamber assumes responsibility for this event. Her office hours will be Tuesday and Wednesday morning from 10:00 am to Noon, or by appointment. She can be reached by email at jenny@eaglemountainchamber.com and by phone at 385-386-3554.
Melissa and Jenny are working as a team to foster relationships in the community, and they look forward to working with the Chamber board, and all our existing and future members to build upon the successes already achieved.
Melissa Clark comes from a long line of small business owners and is excited to be serving the community in her new role as Director of Eagle Mountain Chamber of Commerce. She has resided in Eagle Mountain for nearly 15 years and has just recently finished her term as a Council Member on the Eagle Mountain City Council. Melissa is a Senior Project Manager for a Utah County-based design and manufacturing company. She has founded several non-profit organizations including the Eagle Mountain Arts Alliance and Youth Theater Workshop. Melissa and her husband have four children and are proud to call Eagle Mountain their hometown.
“Small business is the life blood of our community,” said Clark. “I am thrilled to have the opportunity to provide help and resources to our local businesses in Eagle Mountain and our surrounding communities.”
Jenny is a native of Utah and has lived in Eagle Mountain for three years. She has been a Respiratory Therapist for 31 years and holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English Literature from University of Utah and a Master of Science degree in Healthcare Administration from Oklahoma State University. She has years of experience planning events of all sizes. She has three children and lives in Eagle Mountain with her husband and one son.
“It is an honor to have been selected for this role,” said Humes. “I am so excited to become more involved with my community and serve the local businesses by promoting and providing opportunities for growth.”
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